Feedback is a gift

Our methodology puts customers feedbacks at the heart of our development strategy. The objective is to design and build the best solution together.

Communication is key to understand your needs

Customer relationship and feedback highly matter for us.

For that reason, we invite our customers to participate in our roadmap and feature design workshops to make sure that we understand and answer your needs.

Always improving through continous delivery

Our objective is to always provide the best solution to our customers.

In order to respect this mindset, we implemented a process of continuous delivery to offer the best technology at any time.

Agility at the heart of our methodology

Enjoy the modular, API driven architecture

The DJUST data model is highly flexible. Through the admin panel interface, you can configure your data model in just a few clicks, customizing all your business and technical needs – including product, price, orders and more.

Discover the power of your future B2B commerce

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