How much does a B2B eCommerce platform cost?

Short guide for businesses looking for the right B2B solution.

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Change and costs can come in many shapes and sizes

Getting good value for money when choosing to modernize your B2B Commerce platform, can make or break your business. 

B2B eCommerce platforms can vary greatly in terms of costs depending on your business vision, your products, the volume of orders, the types of features and integrations. 

A reliable and robust B2B platform is to be expected. It must be tailored for B2B functionalities such as bulk orders, personalized price promotions, proposals, quick check-outs, streamlined payment workflows and the capability to connect with any back-end systems such as ERP and PIM. Depending on what market you’re in, complex rules and ultra customized features may also need to be applied.

Download this ebook to get tips on:

What is B2B eCommerce and the differences between B2B industries

The 3 different types of B2B Commerce platforms from custom to SaaS

Price ranges and costs related to different types of B2B Commerce platforms


"The risk of not digitalising our B2B Commerce is to fall behind our competitors and not reach our growth targets"


“The advantage of a young company is the innovative and out of the box mindset. Established players and classical legacy platforms don’t offer the agility and flexibility we need to grow”

Henri Danzin, Sales & Marketing Director, Group SOCODA

“We have a real partnership with DJUST, it’s a co-creation and the people are always keen to contribute to our success” 


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