Meet the DJUST team

A team cumulating many years of experience and expertise

Careers at DJUST

Come help us make B2B commerce easier!

Help us build the most modular eCommerce platform and define how B2B businesses can take their eCommerce business to the next level.

There were no simple, flexible, agile and scalable solutions to build a
B2B ecommerce platform so, we decided to build it.

Arnaud Rihiant

Life at DJUST

Andrea, Head of Partnerships

She's based in Sweden as we expanded in the Nordics in the summer 2023 but regularly comes to see us in the Paris office to connect with the wider team.

Why did she join DJUST? In her own words, it's an opportunity of growing and building a company.

Marie, Customer Success Manager

After two years at DJUST, she's definitely already part of the furniture: she knows the product inside out and is a reference point for our DJUST monthly drinks and organising our Christmas party.

Her best memory at DJUST?
The evening after the launch of a big client project after months of building the platform hand in hand with them!

Clément, Dev Ops

The product team has been growing and it's been key to have the right team to support them in their growth (and make sure our infrastructure is scalable)!

What does the dev ops team focus on?
Ensuring product team priorities are clear, identify recurring tasks to optimise them and ensure information flows between teams.

Felix & Thomas, Sales

Felix is an Account Executive who's primary job is to close deals, and Thomas a Business Development Representative, who's primary task is to find new business opportunities.
They work together in a team to grow our company!

What's a great moment for them in their day?
The moment where the team gathers for lunch and shares how their day is going!

Learning and thriving at DJUST

Personal development

At DJUST, you'll have quarterly performance reviews with your manager to ensure you've got the right level of feedback on your work & clarity on your goals. Your manager will work with you during those reviews to build a clear development plan.

Arnaud Rihiant


15+ years experience in digital and SaaS Mirakl founding team (Next 40)

Nicolas Le Coz

Lead tech

15+ years experience in software development

Thibault Roussin

Bo Lead Developper

2+ years experience in software development

Jeremy Scarella

FO Lead Developper

5+ years experience in software development

DJUST Values

We haven't painted the values on the wall but that doesn't stop us from thinking big and starting smart. We have big ambitions but we know how to go step by step to achieve them. We're bold, and we're kind. We've got the right balance between pushing to achieve our objectives and ensuring the team feels supported. We don't want to spend time on complex stuff, the whole point of DJUST is to (d)just be simple.

published on October 20, 2023

We're hiring

Join our vibrant team and become part of the team building the most simple B2B ecommerce platform

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